Category | Name | Othername | Zone | Size | Growthrate | Water | Pollination | Bloom | Color | Time | Light | Comments |
Perennials | DWARF GOBLIN GAILLARDIA | Gaillardia x grandiflora | 3 | 8-12'' | XX | Red & yellow | Summer | Sun | More compact variety all are long blooming | |||
Perennials | SWEET WOODRUFF | Galium odoratum | 3 | 4-8'' GC | X | White | Late spring | Shade-pt sh | Fast spreading groundcover works even under large trees | |||
Perennials | WHIRLING BUTTERFLIES | Gaura lindheimeri | 5 | 2-3'' | X | White | Summer to fall | Sun | Airy plant with graceful flowers pink flowering varieties as well | |||
Perennials | COLORADO GOLD GAZANIA | Gazania linearis | 4 | 3'' | XX | Yellow | Spring & fall | Sun | Blooms early then again in fall reseeds with abandon Plant Select | |||
Perennials | BIOKOVA GERANIUM | Geranium cantabrgiense | 4 | 6'' | XX | Light pink | Summer | Sun-shade | Evergreen ground cover leaves turn red in winter | |||
Perennials | BALLERINA GERANIUM | Geranium cinereum | 5 | 6'' | XX | Pink | Summer | Sun-pt shade | Delicate looking but tough pink flowers with purple centers | |||
Perennials | BLACK EYED MAGENTA GERANIUM | Geranium cinereum subcaulescens | 12'' | X | Magenta | Summer | Part shade | Bright flowers have black centers | ||||
Perennials | BLOODY CRANESBILL GERANIUM | Geranium sanguineum | 4 | 8-12'' | XX | Magenta | Late spring | Sun or shade | Good for dry shade; also available with white flowers | |||
Perennials | STICKY GERANIUM | Geranium viscosissimum | 3 | 1-3'' | XX | Rose-purple | Early summer | Sun or shade | Native plant has open clusters of small flowers on long stalks | |||
Perennials | SCARLET GILIA | Gilia aggregate | 1-2'' | XXX | Red | Summer | Sun-pt shade | Native biennial; reseeds in good location; attracts hummingbirds | ||||
Perennials | HORNED POPPY | Glaucium flavum | 4 | 12'' | XX | Yellow | Summer | Sun | Stunning silver undulating leaves topped by poppy flowers and interesting seed pods; reseeds | |||
Perennials | VARIEGATED GROUND IVY | Glechoma hedera 'Variegata' | 4 | 4-6'' GC | M-W | Lilac | Spring | Sun or shade | Dusty green leaves variegated with white; trailing; needs good moisture especially in sun | |||
Perennials | BABY'S BREATH | Gypsophila paniculata | 3 | 2-3'' | XX | White | Summer | Sun | Airy plant used in flower arranging does best in poor dry soil; 'Bristol Fairy' has largest flowers | |||
Perennials | CREEPING BABY'S BREATH | Gypsophila repens | 3 | 4-6'' | M | White or pink | Early summer | Part shade | Low plant does best in part shade | |||
Perennials | SUN ROSE | Helianthemum nummularium | 5 | 10'' | XX | Varies | Early summer | Sun | Evergreen foliage needs some winter moisture; we carry 'Wisley Pink' yellow double apricot and 'Prairie Sunset' varities | |||
Perennials | MAXIMILLIAN DAISY | Helianthus maximilianii | 5 | 3-8'' | XX | Golden | Fall | Sun | Tall stalks lined with small sunflowers in fall ' great SW plant | |||
Perennials | SUMMER SUN FALSE SUNFLOWER | Heliopsis helianthoides | 4 | 1-3'' | XX | Golden | Summer | Sun | Striking golden daisies on slowly-spreading plant | |||
Perennials | LENTEN ROSE | Helleborus x hybridus | 5 | 12-18'' | M-W | White or purple | Early spring | Shade | One of the earliest bloomers; reseeds in good spot; we carry 'Ivory Prince' and 'Royal Heritage' | |||
Perennials | DAYLILY | Hemerocallis hybrids | 1-3'' | X | Varies | Summer | Sun-pt shade | Many varieties with flowers in shades of yellow gold pink purple reddish cream | ||||
Perennials | PALACE PURPLE CORAL BELLS | Heuchera micrantha | 4 | 12-24'' | X | White | Early summer | Shade-pt sh | Grown for large purple-red leaves; tiny white flowers | |||