Displaying 461 - 480 of 690
Category Name Othername Zone Size Growthrate Water Pollination Bloom Color Time Light Comments
Ornamental Grasses SAND DROPSEED Sporobolus cryptandrus 4 1-3'' XXX Native tolerant of poor soil; silky delicate seed heads
Ornamental Grasses GIANT SACATON Sporobolus wrightii 5 2-5'' XX Fountains of foliage; delicate seed heads
Perennials GREEK YARROW Achillea ageratifolia 3 6-10'' XXX White Spring Sun Great tough rock garden plant with showy white flowers
Perennials PARKER'S GOLD FERN LEAF YARROW Achillea filipendulina 3 2-3'' XX Gold Summer Sun Large golden flowers dry nicely can reseed with good moisture
Perennials COMMON YARROW Achillea millefolium 2 8-12'' XXX Pink or red or burgundy Summer Sun Many varieties spreads quickly cut off fading flowers to encourage more
Perennials SERBIAN YARROW Achillea serbica 4 4-8'' XX White Spring Sun Very similar to Greek yarrow
Perennials WOOLLY YARROW Achillea tomentosa 3 4-8'' XX Yellow Spring Sun Lacy gray carpet of foliage topped by long-lasting flowers
Perennials MOONSHINE YARROW Achillea x 'Moonshine' 3 12'' XXX Yellow Summer Sun Cut fading flowers for continuous bloom doesn't spread aggressively or reseed like other yarrows
Perennials MONKSHOOD Aconitum napellus 2 3'' M-X Blue Summer Shade Good plant to give height in shade; poisonous
Perennials VARIEGATED BISHOP'S WEED Aegopodium podagraria 3 1-2'' GC X White Summer Sun or Shade Grown for its attractive dusty green and white foliage; invasive in moist soil
Perennials CORONADO HYSSOP Agastache aurantiaca 4 20-24'' XX Golden-yellow Summer to fall Sun Aromatic silvery leaves long blooming Plant Select
Perennials HUMMINGBIRD MINT / DOUBLE BUBBLE MINT Agastache cana 5 2-3'' XX Pink Summer to fall Sun Attracts hummingbirds long blooming foliage smells like bubblegum; we carry several varieties
Perennials GOLDEN JUBILEE HYSSOP Agastache foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee' 2-3'' X Lavender-blue Late summer Sun Yellow-green foliage topped by large tight spikes of tiny flowers; we also carry the variety with green foliage
Perennials KOREAN MINT Agastache rugosa 5 2-3'' X Lavender-blue Late summer Sun Very similar to above; great plant for bees; Blue Fortune has larger flowers
Perennials SUNSET HYSSOP Agastache rupestris 5 18-24'' XX Orange Summer to fall Sun Attracts hummingbirds smells like root beer Plant Select
Perennials BUGLEWEED Ajuga reptans 3 3-6'' GC M Blue Spring Shade-part shade Bronze Beauty' has dark leaves 'Burgundy Glow' has pink & cream variegated lvs 'Chocolate Chip' has small dark lvs
Perennials HOLLYHOCK Alcea rosea 2 3-6'' XX Varies Summer to fall Sun Single or double flowered varieties flowers may be red pink yellow white or burgundy reseeds
Perennials YELLOW HOLLYHOCK Alcea rugosa 3 4-7'' XX Soft yellow Summer to fall Sun A different species with cleaner leaves and longer lived. Spectacular!
Perennials LADY'S MANTLE Alchemilla mollis 3 8-12'' M-X Yellow Early summer Sun to shade Attractive rounded leaves with sprays of tiny yellow flowers; can cut back in late summer to renew foliage
Perennials FALL ONION Allium thunbergii 'Ozawa' 2 10-12'' X Purple-pink Fall Sun-pt shade Long lived and easy. Orange foliage in fall