Displaying 541 - 560 of 690
Category Name Othername Zone Size Growthrate Water Pollination Bloom Color Time Light Comments
Perennials FRINGED BLEEDING HEART Dicentra eximia 3 12-18'' M Pink Spring-earl sum Shade Longer blooming and foliage persists longer than old-fashioned but smaller flowers
Perennials BLEEDING HEART Dicentra spectabilis 4 2-3'' M Pink or white Spring Shade Large plant with showy dangling flowers goes dormant in summer
Perennials SUNSET FOXGLOVE Digitalis obscura 4 14-24'' M-X Orange Summer to fall Sun-pt shade Evergreen with willowy leaves better in some sun
Perennials COMMON FOXGLOVE Digitalis purpurea 2-3'' W Pink Summer Part shade Biennial with tall spikes of showy pink flowers with dark markings
Perennials FALSE STRAWBERRY Duchesnea indica 4 2-4'' GC X Yellow Summer Sun or shade Like a strawberry but with small tasteless fruit; use as filler
Perennials OZARK YELLOW CONEFLOWER Echinacea paradoxa 3 1-3'' M-X Yellow Summer Sun Striking yellow coneflower with drooping petals; Ozark native
Perennials PURPLE CONEFLOWER Echinacea purpurea 3 1-2'' XX Pink-purple Summer Sun Large daisies attract butterflies; 'Alba' has white flowers
Perennials NEW CONEFLOWERS Echinacea purpurea varieties 3 1-2'' XX Orange or yellow Summer Sun Petals are orange on surfaces pink-purple underneath or yellow
Perennials TENNESEE CONEFLOWER Echinacea tenneseensis 4 18-24'' M Rose-pink Spring-fall Sun Relative of fireweed from the Alps spreads less & blooms longer silvery seedheads Plant Select
Perennials GLOBE THISTLE Echninops ritro 3 2-3'' X Blue Late summer Sun Cobwebby thistle-like foliage topped by round balls of steel blue flowers
Perennials FLEABANE DAISY Erigeron hybrid 4 1-2'' XX Blue-purple Early summer Sun Bright daisy flowers are easy to grow
Perennials SULFUR BUCKWHEAT Eriogonum umbellatum 3 4-8'' XXX Yellow Early summer Sun Native alpine plant is very tough showy in bloom leaves red in cold; we often carry other varieties
Perennials CUSHION SPURGE Euphorbia polychrome 4 12'' X Yellow Spring Sun Nice mound with chartreuse color early
Perennials PURPLE-LEAVED EUPHORBIA Euphorbia X 'Bonfire' 4 18'' X Yellow Spring Sun Bronzy-purple leaves set off bright yellow flowers mounding
Perennials HARDY TIGER'S JAW Faucaria sp. 3'' XX Yellow Spring Sun Interesting succulent for rock garden
Perennials WILD STRAWBERRY Fragaria americana 3 4-6'' GC X White Summer Sun Native with small intensely flavored berries
Perennials ALPINE STRAWBERRY Fragaria vesca 4 4-6'' X White Summer Sun No runners so doesn't spread; same great little berries; also available with bright white and green 'Variegated' foliage
Perennials HARDY FUCHSIA Fuchsia magellanica 5 1-3'' W-M Fuchsia Summer Shade Overwinters here! Needs some shade and moist soil
Perennials NATIVE GAILLARDIA Gaillardia aristata 4 1-2'' XXX Red & yellow Summer Sun Our native can be short-lived but reseeds if happy
Perennials GAILLARDIA Gaillardia x grandiflora 3 18-30'' XX Red & yellow Summer Sun Burgundy' has deep red flowers 'Dazzler' has red &yellow flowers