Displaying 1 - 20 of 37
Category Name Othername Zone Size Growthrate Water Comments
Conifer Trees WHITE FIR Abies concolor 4 40 x 25 Slow to medium X Looks like blue spruce but has softer needles; dislikes heavy clay soil; good fo More ...
Conifer Trees BLUE ATLAS CEDAR Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' 5 50 x 35 Fast at first then slow M Very attractive different evergreen; prefers moist acidic soil but tolerant of o More ...
Conifer Trees ARIZONA CYPRESS Cupressus arizonicus 5 40 x 25 Fast XX Silvery-blue foliage; hardier than once thought; dwarf and brighter blue varieti More ...
Conifer Trees ROBUSTA JUNIPER Juniperus chinensis 5 12 x 5 Medium XX Very handsome irregular upright form with dark green foliage
Conifer Trees ONE SEED JUNIPER Juniperus monosperma 4 20 x 12 Slow XXX Native to area; blue-gray foliage; irregular rounded habit
Conifer Trees ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER Juniperus scopulorum 3 30 x 10 Medium XX Native to slightly higher elevations; foliage is dark green to blue-green and so More ...
Conifer Trees SKYROCKET JUNIPER Juniperus scopulorum 3 15 x 2 Medium XX Narrowest columnar juniper available blue foliage
Conifer Trees TOLLESON'S BLUE WEEPING JUNIPER Juniperus scopulorum 3 20 x 10 Slow to medium XX Arching branches with string-like silvery-blue foliage; very striking with age
Conifer Trees WICHITA BLUE JUNIPER Juniperus scopulorum 3 18 x 6 Medium XX Pyramidal form with brilliant blue foliage
Conifer Trees BLUE ARROW JUNIPER Juniperus virginiana 3 12 x 2 Slow to medium XX Cold hardy alternative to Italian cypress
Conifer Trees NORWAY SPRUCE Picea abies 'Acrocona' 3 25 x 30 Medium X Develops lots of cones even at an early age; eventually grows broader than tall
Conifer Trees DWARF NORWAY SPRUCE Picea abies 'Clanbrassiliana Stricta' 4 25 x 15 Slow X Matures into a perfect Christmas tree with dense branches to the ground and a br More ...
Conifer Trees WEEPING NORWAY SPRUCE Picea abies 'Pendula' 3 Medium X Size depends on training branches will weep when not trained upright; dark green
Conifer Trees DWARF ALBERTA SPRUCE Picea glauca conica 2 7 x 4 Slow M Very popular; good in container; best in part shade; watch for mites in dry weat More ...
Conifer Trees BLACK HILLS SPRUCE Ppicea glauca densata 2 20 x 8 Slow M Large conical shape with dense ornamental branches
Conifer Trees GOLDEN ORIENTAL SPRUCE Picea orientalis 'Skylands' 4 50 x 35 Slow X Beautiful short dark green inner needles accented by yellow outer needles; toler More ...
Conifer Trees COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE Picea pungens 3 60 x 20 Slow to medium X Formal pyramidal growth form; needles may be blue or green
Conifer Trees FAT ALBERT BLUE SPRUCE Picea pungens glauca 'Fat Albert' 3 15 x 8 Slow to medium X Semi-dwarf form of Colorado Blue spruce more useful in most home landscapes
Conifer Trees COLUMNAR BLUE SPRUCE Picea pungens glauca fastigiata 3 30 x 6 Slow to medium X Narrow form with excellent blue color; the perfect sentinel tree
Conifer Trees HOOPS BLUE SPRUCE Picea pungens glauca 'Hoopsii' 3 40 x 15 Slow to medium X Informal habit and long bright blue needles make this a standout