Category | Name | Othername | Zone | Size | Growthrate | Water | Pollination | Bloom | Color | Time | Light | Comments |
Perennials | FALL BLOOMING ASTER | Aster sp. | 1-3'' | M | Varies | Fall | Sun | Many varieties offer a range of colors and sizes. Some spread rapidly | ||||
Perennials | DWARF ASTILBE | Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' | 4 | 1'' | M-W | Deep pink | Late summer | Shade | Sprays of flowers over a long season; spreads to form dense mat in moist area; attractive foliage | |||
Perennials | PURPLE ROCK CRESS | Aubrieta deltoidea | 4 | 6'' | M | Purple | Spring | Sun-pt shade | Low evergreen mats nice under taller perennials or roses; can be short-lived | |||
Perennials | BASKET-OF-GOLD | Aurinia saxatilis | 4 | 8-12'' | XX | Golden | Early spring | Sun | Brilliant early color on a small mounding plant with gray leaves | |||
Perennials | DESERT MARIGOLD | Baileya multiradiata | 5 | 8-12'' | XXX | Yellow | Spring-fall | Sun | Silvery foliage topped by bright yellow daisies native prefers well-drained soil | |||
Perennials | FALSE INDIGO | Baptisia australis | 3 | 2-4'' | XX | Blue | Summer | Sun-pt shade | Take several years to mature but are tough and dependable after that | |||
Perennials | HEART-LEAF BERGENIA | Bergenia cordifolia | 3 | 6-8'' | X | Pink | Spring | Part shade | Evergreen leaves turn beautiful red in fall slowly spreads | |||
Perennials | CHOCOLATE FLOWER | Berlandiera lyrata | 6 | 18'' | XX | Yellow | Summer | Sun | Daisy-like flowers are chocolate scented. Short-lived but reseeds. Plant Select | |||
Perennials | POPPY MALLOW | Callirhoe involucrata | 4 | 3-8'' | X | Fuchsia | Summer | Sun | Long blooming sprawling plant Plant Select | |||
Perennials | SUNDROPS | Calylophus serrulatus | 4 | 6'' | XX | Yellow | Summer | Sun | Very long blooming other species sometimes available; ugly in a pot but great in the ground ' just try it! | |||
Perennials | CLUSTERED BELLFLOWER | Campanula glomerata 'Superba' | 3 | 1-2'' | X | Purple | Early summer | Sun-pt shade | Spreads slowly large flower clusters | |||
Perennials | PEACH-LEAVED BELLFLOWER | Campanula persicifolia | 3 | 2-3'' | M | Blue or white | Summer | Sun-pt shade | Large bell flowers lined on tall spikes; spreads slowly | |||
Perennials | HAREBELL | Campanula rotundifolia | 2 | 12-18'' | X | Blue | Spring-Summer | Sun-shade | Native dainty flowers bloom for long time | |||
Perennials | CUPID'S DART | Catananche caerulea | 4 | 1-2'' | X | Lav-blue | Summer | Sun | Papery seed heads are attractive | |||
Perennials | PERENNIAL BACHELOR BUTTON | Centaurea Montana | 3 | 1-2'' | X | Blue | Summer | Sun-pt shade | Mounds of foliage; flowers have long fringed petals; good filler | |||
Perennials | JUPITER'S BEARD | Centranthus ruber | 4 | 1-2'' | X | Salmon or white | Summer | Sun-pt shade | Very reliable long blooming plant attracts hummingbirds | |||
Perennials | ALPINE SNOW-IN-SUMMER | Cerastium alpinum lanatum | 3 | 1-2'' | M | White | Early summer | Sun-pt shade | Slower growing won't invade; nice in rock garden | |||
Perennials | SNOW-IN-SUMMER | Cerastium tomentosum | 3 | 6-9'' GC | XX | White | Early summer | Sun | Easy groundcover with gray foliage that spreads quickly | |||
Perennials | PLUMBAGO | Ceratostigma plumbaginoides | 5 | 8'' GC | M-X | Blue | Late summer | Sun-pt shade | Intense blue flowers often coincide with red fall foliage color spreads | |||
Perennials | GARDEN MUM | Chrysanthemum morifolium | 5 | 1-2'' | M | Varies | Late summer or fall | Sun | Large mounding plants with a wide variety of flower colors and forms pinch early for more flowers | |||