Category | Name | Othername | Zone | Size | Growthrate | Water | Pollination | Bloom | Color | Time | Light | Comments |
Perennials | LILYTURF | Liriope muscari | 5 | 8-16'' | X | Purple | Fall | Shade pt sh | Tall grassy foliage with flower spikes just above the foliage | |||
Perennials | LILYTURF | Liriope spicata | 5 | 4-8'' | M | Lavender | Late summer | Shade | Grassy foliage with short spikes of pale flowers; spreads in good location | |||
Perennials | CARDINAL FLOWER | Lobelia cardinallis | 4 | 1-3'' | W | Red | Late summer | Sun or shade | Showy brilliantly colored flowers; prefers moist rich soil; good water plant here | |||
Perennials | LUPINE | Lupinus hybrids | 4 | 1-3'' | M | Varies | Early summer | Sun | We carry red blue and pink varieties need moisture but good drainage | |||
Perennials | MALTESE CROSS | Lychnis chalcedonica | 3 | 2-3'' | XX | Orange-red | Summer | Sun | Attracts hummingbirds easy | |||
Perennials | ROSE CAMPION | Lychnis coronaria | 4 | 2-4'' | XX | Hot pink | Summer | Sun | Felty silver foliage topped by long wiry stems and bright flowers short-lived but self sows | |||
Perennials | BLACKFOOT DAISY | Melampodium leucanthum | 5 | 6-12'' | XXX | White | Spring to fall | Sun | Tough plant with daisy-like flowers great for xeriscape long blooming | |||
Perennials | WILD FOUR-O'CLOCK | Mirabilis multiflora | 5 | 1'' | XXX | Fuchsia | Summer | Sun | Native grows from huge taproot flowers close in afternoon attracts sphinx moths | |||
Perennials | BEE BALM | Monarda didyma | 4 | 12-24'' | M | Red or pink or purple | Summer | Sun | Attracts hummingbirds we carry several varieties | |||
Perennials | CATMINT | Nepeta faassenii | 4 | 8-24'' | XX | Blue | Spring-summer | Sun | Aromatic gray foliage enjoyed by many cats long blooming can reseed '6 Hills Giant' grows 2-3' tall | |||
Perennials | MISSOURI EVENING PRIMROSE | Oenothera macrocarpa | 4 | 6-10'' | XX | Yellow | Summer | Sun | Huge flowers on sprawling stems 'Silver Blade' has silvery leaves and is Plant Select | |||
Perennials | PINK MEXICAN PRIMROSE | Oenothera speciosus 'Siskiyou' | 5 | 12'' | X | Pink | Early summer | Sun | Spreads aggressively in right location long blooming | |||
Perennials | HERRENHAUSEN OREGANO | Oregano laevigatum | 5 | 15'' | XX | Rose | Late summer | Sun | Showy and tough rosy flowers good contrast against dark leaves | |||
Perennials | HOPSFLOWER OREGANO | Origanum libanoticum | 4 | 10'' trailing | X | Lav & green | Late summer | Sun | Hops like flowers look great trailing over rocks raised beds or containers | |||
Perennials | PACHYSANDRA | Pachysandra terminalis | 4 | 6-8'' GC | M-X | White | Summer | Shade | Attractive shiny leaves with small spikes of tiny flowers; likes acid soil | |||
Perennials | PEONY | Paeonia lactiflora | 2 | 18-24'' | M | Pink or red or white | Late spring | Sun | Long-lived bushy plants with huge flowers don't like to be moved | |||
Perennials | ICELAND POPPY | Papaver nudicaule | 3 | 12-18'' | M | Varies | Spring-summer | Sun | Prefers higher altitudes with cool temperatures | |||
Perennials | ORIENTAL POPPY | Papaver orientale | 3 | 2-3'' | XX | Varies | Early summer | Sun | Huge flowers may be orange red pink or white foliage dies back in summer | |||
Perennials | CANDY LILY | Pardancanda hybrids | 5 | 12-15'' | M | Varies | Summer | Sun-pt shade | Iris-like foliage with showy bright colored flowers | |||
Perennials | MOUNTAIN LOVER | Paxistima canbyi | 4 | 8-12'' | X | Sun-pt shade | Native evergreen ground cover durable and adaptable Plant Select | |||||