Displaying 421 - 440 of 690
Category Name Othername Zone Size Growthrate Water Pollination Bloom Color Time Light Comments
Vines ORANGE PEEL CLEMATIS C. tangutica 4 12 x 6 Fast XX More vigorous; small yellow nodding bell flowers; showy feathery seed heads
Vines TIBETAN CLEMATIS Clematis tibetana 5 6 x 3 Medium X Lime-green to yellow 4-petaled flowers; ferny blue-green foliage
Vines VIRGIN'S BOWER CLEMATIS Clematis virginiana 3 10 x 10 Med-fast XX Small white fragrant flowers in early summer followed by showy seed heads; native
Vines ENGLISH IVY Hedera helix 5 15 x 8 Slow then medium M-X Evergreen needs winter shade
Vines NEW MEXICO HOPS VINE Humulus lupulus neomexicanus 3 6 x 10 Fast XX Female plants have showy hops seed heads; suckers
Vines HALL'S HONEYSUCKLE Lonicera japonica 'Halliana' 4 10 x 6 Fast X Traditional fragrant flowers open white fade yellow; evergreen in mild winters; sun or shade
Vines MANDARIN HONEYSUCKLE Lonicera x 'Mandarin' 3 20 x 10 Fast X Flowers orange outside yellow inside; vigorous; attracts hummingbirds; prefers part shade
Vines BERRIES JUBILEE HONEYSUCKLE L. pericylmenum 'Monul' 5 10 x 6 Fast X Like Hall's but with masses of showy red berries in fall
Vines HARLEQUIN HONEYSUCKLE Lonicera periclymenum 'Harlequin' 4 6 x 4 Medium M-X Variegated foliage is green white and pink; pink and yellow fragrant flowers
Vines DROPMORE SCARLET HONEYSUCKLE L. x brownii 3 10 x 6 Medium X Red-orange tubular flowers attract hummingbirds; sun or shade
Vines GOLDFLAME HONEYSUCKLE L. x heckrotti 'Goldflame' 5 10 x 6 Med-fast X Pink outside yellow inside fragrant flowers; sun or shade
Vines WOODBINE Parthenocissus inserta 3 30 x 10 Fast X Leaves turn scarlet in fall; has no adhesive discs on stems so won't glue itself to supports
Vines VIRGINIA CREEPER Parthenocissus quinquefolia 3 30 x 10 Fast X-XX Like above but can attach itself with tiny adhesive discs
Vines BOSTON IVY Parthenocissus tricuspidata 4 30 x 10 Slow M-X Like above with discs but prefers shade here
Vines SILVER LACE VINE Polygonum aubertii 5 10 x 10 Fast XX Masses of white lacy flowers in late summer
Vines PINK ICE JAPANESE WISTERIA W. floribunda 'Pink Ice' 20 x 10 Slow then fast M Long clusters of fragrant soft pink flowers before leaves emerge
Vines CHINESE WISTERIA Wisteria sinensis 5 20 x 10 Slow then fast M Like above but not as fragrant and flower is blue-violet; 'Prolific' has many flowers
Ornamental Grasses BIG BLUESTEM Andropogon gerardii 4 3-6? XX Upright foliage orange fall color native prairie grass fluffy white seed heads
Ornamental Grasses FEATHER REED GRASS Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' 4 2-4'' X Very vertical grass with golden seed heads in summer; also available with variegated foliage
Ornamental Grasses CURLY FOX RED SEDGE Carex buchananii 7 12-18'' W-M Fine-textured copper-bronze curly foliage